...I needs it. Alas, yet another busy morning (I'd love to tell you what broke but, well, it's one of those things we dassn't admit to 'til it is fixed) and a bit of an early one. Content later, I promise!
Turk Turon has a photo-essay on our weekend expeditions!
For now: Mains Plugs and Sockets of the World! Ooooo. Then there's that hobbyist fave (outside the U..S), the Belling-Lee coaxial connector. Or RF connectors generally. Enjoy!
Late add: A Brief History Of Professional Microphone Connectors. Focused on the XLR and ancestors; locking DIN types, etc. are not covered.
2 months ago
Coax is a wonderful idea, so long as I don't have to work on anything smaller than BNC!
When I saw the title, I was trying to decide if it was conTENT or CONtent?
Guess it was CONtent. Heh!
huh, I had always wondered why they had appliances screwed into light sockets in some old movies...
It makes a lot more sense when you discover that electricity for lights was metered at a lower rate back then.
That mains page is missing more NEMA plugs and sockets than it is listing.
You and Turk are cruel, CRUEL, I tell you!!! You have shown me even more stuff I could start collecting!!! And at reasonable prices!! It doesn't even have to work, just look cool. (Hey, I have a Pepsi bottle flashlight, y'know)
The pic I really want to see is the "mystery meter" that you got free for knowing what it was.
wv: andablog
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