...Started with one title, considered the minds of the lads on the #gunbloggerconspiracy IRC channel and changed it...
Conan the Objectivist has been hacking, coughing and sneezing around the shop since Monday and it appears his virus's mission was successful: I've got it, too. Raw throat, bit of a temperature, sinus unhappiness, oh yay.
On top of the knee issues, it does not make for a fun time and I have caught myself on the verge of making bone-headed mistakes three times now. I do believe I had better call in sick -- not to avoid sharing, it's too late for that (thanks, buddy. No, not really) -- but because it is pretty easy to spend more than a day's pay by cutting one wrong wire. That wouldn't be good.
Piggie flu or just a cold? Dunno. Hoping for the latter!
2 months ago
Hope you feel better, the world just seems to slow down a little when you're under the weather.
Have some tea with honey and lemon and some chicken soup and get into bed!
Get some reading done.
And feel better soon!
wv: tingl
Thank heavens that someone has laid in enough canned soup to survive the Apocalypse...
I do hope you're feeling soon, and when you get back to work you can poke Conan in the arse with a test lead for coming to work sick.
I have no officially called in. Going to put the kettle on next.
Follow Turk's advice.
Sympathy. Lots of hot fluids. I've had good results at symptom relief from Thera-Flu. As Dolly puts it, more usually does the trick.
That's TWO votes!
Take a sick day. Lots of rest. Fluids.
It'll make you feel better.
Sick day. Definitely.
FOUR votes!
And put on a flu mask so Tam and the cats don't get it.
And a shot of bourbon in the tea wouldn't hurt.
Bourbon. Definitely.
(wv: naphions. The particles that make you sleepy and want to take a nap.)
Get well soon, m'dear.
WV: yeramill. New drug, if you take it, you feel like million. Just for what ails yer!
Chicken soup - LOTS of garlic
wv:slogis - Bobbi is feeling a bit slogis today
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