So, I wore my shiny-new Rocket Racing League T-shirt to work yesterday. (Thanks, M! You're the best!) One of the higher-ups noticed and was surprised anyone else was aware of it yet. He said, "You know, I'm very much involved in that..." and, skipping the details because it's pretty new and high-security, it turns out he's a critical member of the team that does them!
That discovery led, in turn, to being pointed at a number of fascinating links -- like this one:Pretty kewl, hey?
2 months ago
I like it!
OK, where do I sign up?
I am totally in the wrong job.
Glad you like it. I hope the other stuff was well received also. I would not have been aware of the RRL without reading your original post on it awhile back. I wore my t-shirt out and about Thursday and got a lot of "So you went to the AirShow" comments. It was heavily promoted beforehand and attendance was tremendous (40 to 50 thousand). I hope it catches on 'cause it was pretty cool!
The package was received with cries of delight, Montie! Wonderful, indeed.
--You've gotta love the way the RRL ships resemble (scaled-down) von Broan's graceful early designs for manned rockets.
They had some -- minor -- teething issues but it's "throttle up" for RRL! I'm told it's a real combination of skills -- rocket and computer scientists from MIT, an international HUD company doing the virtual "track" display, more rocket techs from Armadillo Aerospace, plus groups from three or four other specialties, including the "starship engineering" folks I work for. All that and I have still not mentioned the pilots...
It's awesome 'cause... hello? ROCKETS?
PS: Montie,
Thank yew! :)
Pray tell, is there a way I could lay my paws on one of those tees in exchange for suitable remuneration? Bragging rights would be extreme...
The Old Man,
I procured the RRL stuff at the Tulsa Air Show last week. After seeing your comment, I surfed around a bit, checking their website and facebook page with no luck. I bookmarked your blog though and should I find a source, I'll let you know.
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