I'm a meganekko? Nobody told me!
I am so gonna have to save up for some larger round-framed wire rim glasses.
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
"...often used in anime and manga fandom to refer to females who wear glasses, especially when it is considered their most attractive trait."
Oh, puh-lease!
Rule 34
That is all.
One attractive trait among many.
I say this honestly. I like you for your mind.
I always prefer that other wiki just for the indexing system at the bottom.
From the other wiki:
'... the meganekko is usually pleasant, smart, and clever. And something about the fact that she needs glasses seems to imply an endearing vulnerability that makes her far more accessible to the average guy.
Naturally, as with any stereotype, the meganekko can inverted or subverted, but the vast majority in anime are sweet, smart and -- when found in a major role -- usually more than a challenge for a male lead to keep up with.
Not to be confused with Mega Neko, also known as "really big cats".'
Also not to be confused with MegaNecco, a giant sugar wafer.
Well I like you for the whole package.
Well at first glance I thought you said Meganekid. Looks like I'm well on my way to being a dirty old man.
Roberta of Black Lagoon:
"Roberta may be the most combat effective character in all of Black Lagoon. She is skilled with all manner of weapons, including small arms, knives, grenades, grenade launchers, and a light machine-gun. She's stronger than Dutch, as fast as Revy, and tougher than both of them. She can punch out a car's window, hotwire it, and drive over rooftops. She runs fast enough to catch a car, is strong enough to hold on to said car, and keeps twin Colt 45s up her sleeves. Unarmed, her sheer strength is enough to almost put Revy out with a single punch, especially since she's not above such simple tricks as telling her foe her shoe's untied (and Revy fell for it too....).
Standing at 5'7", Roberta has black hair and blue eyes she hides behind a pair of fake glasses (to make her look less threatening and to symbolize her new life). She wears the classic maid's outfit (black dress, white apron, hair frill, stockings, and so on), with a fast draw rig up the sleeves for her pistols. She normally carries her shotgun-umbrella and a suitcase full of firepower in her hands."
Just a coincidence?
Timmeee, if ever you find me in a "classic maid's outfit," it'll be a sure sign of some flavor of End Times. --My luck, prolly the one with Frost Giants.
...The rest of it is spot-on, of course, except I'm 5'9".
Mark: Yeah, me too! ;)
Roberta in a French maids costume?!
I'd pay good money to see that. :)
Yeah? --Talk to Cowboy Blob; I'm sure his 1337 Photoshop skills are up to the task 'cos you are so not gonna see it any other way! :)
"...The rest of it is spot-on, of course, except I'm 5'9"."
Really? You have "twin Colt 45s up your sleeves"?
Word: FTXCP. Just what a retired NCO wants to hear...
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