Buncombe! Stuff and nonsense. We live in an image-saturated world and no matter if it is the scary original (and cancelled) public-edition of the FedGov's (IAO) Total Information Awareness program* using an eye-surmounted pyramid beaming the globe as their logo or this bunch invoking the hammer'n'sickle, emblem of that mahvelous ideology that's killed millions, produced Trabants while the West was makin' Mercedes and has managed to run an entire darn country out of toilet paper, nobody past grade school uses these symbols unaware of the message conveyed.
Message received, purpleshirts. You wanna wave signs on public land, you go right ahead; it's still a free country. Aimin' to stay that way, too, y'hear?
* Not to mention the covert, black-budget version. Which doesn't exist, not at all. Nobody here's sayin' any different. Go on about your business, subj- er, citizens.
Purple, it's the new brown
I work in a union shop. I have to pay either union dues or the same amount of "dues equivalent fees" that go to the union anyway. If I identify as a union member, I don't get harassed for not being a member of the herd. Every Thursday, I'm supposed to wear a purple union shirt to show my solidarity with the union. Purple is my favorite color, with no political strings attached. I just like the color. I wear a plain purple shirt (no logo) on Thursdays to stay under the radar. I know of several others in the same situation, but we don't bring attention to ourselves. A few have been active in the union but they keep their politics to themselves. Don't believe the reports that all union members are liberal Obamanauts because we're not.
Verification word "antai"
Oh, not all union members -- but the SEIU leadership? Count on it.
I have no doubts about the AFL-CIO leadership either.
Ridicule is the best format to disrespect the Marxist ideology. I respect the mop/bucket image as a strong statement that the hammer and sickle are dead, and that those who believed in it are now cleaning bathrooms for a living.
Justice for Janitors has apparently been around for a while. This Google image search shows that the shape is no accident; they have even more blatant versions.
The funny thing about it all?
Barack Obama would avoid these adoring SEIU pukes like the plague, one on one and in real life.
There's nobody more class-conscious than an arriviste.
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