Nobody told me? Actual headline at NRA-ILA: "Utah's Right-to-Carry permit popular in Idaho and the U.S."
They were led on by their source,, which unabashedly originated the headline. And I checked: it turns out the Union still stands. Tsk. Well, saved me havin' to move.
2 months ago
Saw that, wasn't able to post on it right away. (Hardware shopping, Amateur Radio Club meeting.)
Wondering if original headline as written was supposed to say "...Idaho and rest of United States."
Wasn't there an HBO movie where Idaho did try to leave the Union?
"Second American Civil War"?
Was Dennis Leary in it?
Shootin' Buddy
Yes, there was!
The Second Civil War, 1997.
Dennis Leary played a "Vinnie Franko".
Shootin' Buddy
Asked and answered. But no link?
Linky, Linky!
H'mm, not all that thrillin' a causus bellyache. Hollyweird.
Let's see... Arizona and Utah are pretty much ready to secede. If Idaho comes with us, or if Colorado and Montana do, then we will isolate California, Oregon and Washington from the rest.
Yes, this *could* be interesting!
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