--Even when he's shooting fish. He holds World Records with the slingshot. He was a guest expert on Top Shot and it turns out Thirdpower knows him. Now that I've been to his website, Chief AJ is one of my heroes. He's a sure 'nuff real Chief and a shooter (.22s, ARs, slingshots, bows and that's just a start) of the good old school, by gosh! The man shoots aspirin out of the sky with a .22 the same way you were takin' clay pigeons with a 12-gauge, probably better; and he's 72. (Remind me not to complain too much about the ravages Of Time, hey?)
...I ordered a slingshot. Always wanted one and these come with expert instruction.
Go, have a look -- he really is arrow-hunting fish with one model slingshot. Wild hogs, too, shoats just about pan-sized (for the larger pan). It's an education. I had no idea anyone was up to this 'til I saw it on Top Shot and they didn't even show half of what Chief AJ does.
2 months ago
Chief AJ used to come to the Indy 1500, selling his gunsmithing services to Mini-14s and 10/22s.
Shootin' Buddy
I didn't see Chief AJ on Top Shot! Must have been this latest episode?
Yeah, he's awesome.
I want to see Chief AJ and the Gunny co-host a show. It would be made of such weapons-grade awesome that your television would EXPLODE!!!!1!!eleven!
I'm sorry. That's not a slingshot, that's a flipper crotch. I honestly don't know why people call a flipper crotch a slingshot. They're two entirely different mechanisms of delivering a projectile.
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