My copy of Monster Hunter Vendetta arrived today! Got yours yet?
...Also received my copy of Avram Davidson's ¡Limekiller!, a collection of his short stories set in British Hidalgo, featuring suave ex-pat Jack Limekiller, the tropical sun and a few zillion iguanas. Also, rum. Bought it from an Amazon Marketplace seller with a neat name and it turns out they're local! (You have to admire the man who wrote, of B.H., "In this country, the art of drainage had not only not been perfected, it's not even been suspected," or "The Fort Benbow Hotel was very much like the the Empress Hotel in Victoria, in that it served afternoon tea; otherwise, it was not much like the the Empress Hotel in Victoria." I have to admire him, at least; you, you're on your own). Ah, I may have purchased the last really affordable example to be found in the Amazon empire; one might look farther afield if interested but short of funds. And even there, alas: alacrity is of single benefit.
...Gracious, there's a new William Gibson in there, too.
And I've not even finished Dragonfly.
2 months ago
I got the electronic advanced reader's copy of MHV for my e-book reader, direct from Baen, in time for our Hawai'i trip...
Got MHV Thursday evening; finished it yesterday. Total WIN!
Grrr, bloody Amazon. If I knew it was going to take this long, I would have just gotten it from the book store.
Since I pre-ordered some time ago, I got mine the day after the official release (thanks Amazon).
I have been putting off starting it, because when I read the first book it turned into an all-nighter, and I want to wait until I have a day off and a clear calender. I'm thinkin' this coming Wednesday is the day.
Calender? maybe I meant calendar.
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