"E" for effort?
A Danville, IN teenager arrested for battery made a break for freedom en route to his first appearance before a judge, over a railing to thud onto the terrazzo three floors down. While handcuffed. And in leg irons.
Now he's in critical condition at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis -- and still faces arraignment.
Not quite a Darwin Award. Obviously working on it.
2 months ago
Damn, if he's that stupid at 16, how dumb will he be if he manages to live another few years?
And all to be paid for by the long suffering taxpayer. Too bad the dude did not land hairy end down.
Someone has to verify for certain that he hasn't breed first before he gets his award anyway.
Honorable mention, perhaps.
Three floors isn't that far! People in movies hit the ground running from that height all the time! And I do that crap, like, all the time with my PlayStation games!
Stupid reality, always hindering little choirboys' attempted escapes.
Obviously one who didn't read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", or he would have learned Rule #1: DON'T PANIC! Probably forgot his towel, also.
Three stories in a good ol' Indiana courthouse is enough to make me feel a bit dizzy; they did love their high ceilings so.
Are the shysters lining up to sue in his behalf for damages??
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