The human-powered hybrid bus: yes, mass transit with galley slaves. You know they're dreaming of it avidly. But it's green! And modern! That makes it ooooo-tay, right? Right!
No? Get on the treadmill 'til you learn better -- no pressure.
2 months ago
You'd figure that Hollywood moguls would consider themselves more suited to the sedan chair.
wv: "grabity." This is the force that causes money and power to be attracted to the least-deserving.
Well, if the Anointed One was really serious about saving Mother Gaia, he could use some Stimulus Dough and hire a bunch of Poli-Sci Graduates and allow them to pay back their Student Loans. But something tells me it'll be more likely that those who fail Michelle My Bell's BMI Physical Fitness tests will forced to run the GM/Chrysler/UAW built AMF ( Arbeit Macht Frei) buses.
Might help solve the unemployment problem!
Reminds me of the old joke on "Married: With Children" where Al Bundy was always pushing his beloved Dodge Dart POS home because it wasn't running.
One week Bud asked, "Dad, if it was seven miles, why push the car? Why not just walk home without it?"
Kelly interjected, "DUH! That's way too far for daddy to walk without a car!"
When you consider the inefficiency of turning raw materials into food and then turning the food into human energy, a human powered vehicle is worse than a Hummer.
Hey--it beats monthly health club dues!
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