Okay, it's more of a liquid helium pump than a heart as such -- still, you want proof that the little guy is not forgot as banks snuggle in with the Feds, warm an' happy as a tick up an elephant's-- ahem. Well, do ya? Shermlock Shomes points us to irrefutable evidence!
...Remember, once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how unlikely, must be the truth: Blank of Acirema actively encourages and supports bein' jerks whenever possible.
Next week, kickin' the crutches out from under cripples? Cheatin' widows an' orphans? Whatever, I think we can count on high-larious, madcap hijinx. ACORN's banking suggestion, to bury your money in a tin can in the back yard, looks better with ever passing day.
5 weeks ago
Ya think being a Mega-Blank of America customers is bad, try being one of their vendors.
I have spent more hours driving to these helpless drones to perform fifteen-second fixes than I care to think about.
Which is why I do no business with them.
"ACORN's banking suggestion, to bury your money in a tin can in the back yard, looks better with ever passing day."
The interest rate's practically the same these days anyway.
Hope the poor guy sues them and is awarded enough to start his own bank.
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