Representative Alan Grayson, Florida Democrat bloviates up a health care strawman based on finding a blank sheet of paper; elsewhere, a loudly Lefty rag defends his spiteful fantasy (including his later comparing our present health care situation to The Holocaust) : in the same article, Congressbeing Grayson is "a Democrat with guts," while his peer Joe Wilson's outburst is decried as "boorish behavior." At least there's no question where they stand.
On the far side of the big water, a sternly-worded ad campaign in the UK reminds "girls*" not to hide guns for their menfolk. ...'Cos criminalizing weapons possession and barring handguns altogether wasn't quite enough but colorful posters and radio blurbs will do the trick? Helloooo? Expert analysis at Tam's in
It's a good thing we have Tam and Uncle and Old Grouch and the rest of you, bloggers and readers alike, 'cos we have no shortage of witlings in high places. Somebody's got to be the grown-up.
* Sexist, ageist or simply revealing once again the nannystatist attitude that hoi polli are but children? Take your pick.
1 month ago
Is that a Makarov in the poster?
South florida is a lot like southern california in this way: No weather to weed out the weak and stupid. Far fewer of the breed in the midwest- though we aren't by any means devoid of ijits.
"Is that a Makarov in the poster?"
More interesting is the Umarex/Walther CP-99 CO2-powered .177-cal pistol.
Congressbeing Grayson is "a Democrat with guts," while his peer Joe Wilson's outburst is decried as "boorish behavior."
Well, that's cause it's them doing it. (C.f., all the loud laments about the decline of civility in political discourse -- since the beginning of the current administration!)
And at least The Nation is good for getting the blood pumping early in the morning.
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