Update: Nathan provided a link to the truth about the Wishard "no taxes" scam in comments and I've put it up here so more folks will see it.
...Especially on the Left but don't kid yourself, the Right does it too: if Congress rams through some unpopular (or at least divisive) "bold new step" you don't like, they're wicked, stupid or both but if you like their latest Adventure In Overgoverning, they're the intrepid heroes, bravely doing what is right.
The truth is, A) we already have way more government than is needed; B) Congressbeings are, on average, not worth the cost of gasoline to run the short bus they ought to be taking to their job-like endeavors; and C) they think we're all idiots for letting them get away with it. What stings the most is that last item is the only time you can count on them being right.
Question is, what're we going to do about it?
Election time is coming 'round here in De Heardtland. There's not much on the ballot but I do have a chance to vote against a bond issue (to build a sparkling new edifice in place of poor old Wishard -- the charity hospital) that's sure to raise my taxes; they keep sending me shiny-printed, expensive postcards promising it won't but this is, in fact, a lie supported by optimistic under-estimates and accounting tricks. Also, if they'd'a saved what they have spent on those lyin' cards, they could have had a head start on the construction they're so eager to spend my money on. (I'm not the only one thinks so, either).
Whatever it is, if it doesn't make government smaller, weaker or quieter, vote against it!
5 weeks ago
I'm down with the struggle!
RX, you scared me! I thought you were going to say Congress isn't worth the gasoline it would take to set them on fire.....
You didn't, but you'd be right anyway.
Hear, Hear!
"Whatever it is, I'm against it!"
I'm voting against the school referendum in Hamilton County on general principle that I don't think they need 3.3 million dollars from a property tax increase.
When THEIR side does it, I shout "HOW DARE THEY?!"
When MY side does it, I don't cheer, I grumble. Not at top volume, but I grumble.
Most times, sadly, the option isn't between Big and Small gov't choices on the ballot. But REALLY Big and slightly less Really Big.
But yes, any indivdual iniative where you vote up or down I do tend to vote the down if it costs any tax money. On principle. Even on stuff that sounds kinda nice to have.
"I'm agin' it." is pretty much my default setting.
We need politicians who are painfully- and I must here, once again stress "painfully" aware that they are OUR servants. On the left or right. The culture of separation between the ruling and the ruled is what we worked so hard to escape, and here we have it again, thinly disguised as the new boss, but really, same as the old boss.
Rick: That endeavour would be worth buying Trick or AvGas.
Of course, good old 81 octane PeMex would do the job just fine.
I laugh every time I see something that will issue bonds to pay for whatever is wanted. The proponents always claim, "No tax increase!" But, the money to pay back the bonds has to come from somewhere. Is the governmental entity going to cut spending in another area to pay those bond payments?
Don't make me laugh. In a year or so when the payments come due, they'll raise taxes in some form to get the money.
Liars all.
What Og said.
Crucis, the bond payments for the Wishard expansion are coming out of federal stimulus money.
So they can say that property taxes won't go up as a result, and they might even be right. But we all know where the federal stimulus money came from, and who's going to have to pay it back. Bottom line, it's a lie to say that we're getting something for nothing, and that's the canard the Wishard Facts people are trying to put over on us.
Try on 100 mill in perry township
Jon Elrod on the HHC referendum.
Saw him last night and told him I agreed 100%.
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