Or not too bad and they make smoke come out the ears of über-sofizztickated posers, which is a whole 'nother level of good: gummi candies shaped like tractors and farm animals!
Best line in the review: "With the John Deere branding on the box, it could just as well have contained sparkplugs..." Oh, yeah. They stick to my dental work, but sign me up.
So, when do we get the version shaped like tiny AR-15s, mooseheads, tiaras, eyeglasses and maps of Alaska?
3 months ago
Be careful what you wish for!
I'd love to see some with firearm related shapes. Just the PSH in the media would be worth it.
This calls for my favorite tractor joke..
Q: Why are John Deeres green?
A: So they can hide in the bushes while the red(IH) and orange(Allis Chambers) tractors do all the work!
What can I say - Farmall for life! :)
Would you settle for moose nuggets? :)
Jenny, as long as it's not Alaskan humor.... ;)
Here I am, finally catching up, and nobody's mentioned the gummi lighthouse candies?
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