I snapped some overviews but they don't really capture the sprawling ambience; this takes up all of the Art Center grounds plus a softball-field park across the street to the south.
Up close, you can't take pictures of some of it, since the images are the artist's stock in trade -- like the astonishing astronomical photographs from John Chumak, a modern-day Tycho Brahe with a camera. His card really should read, "Have Telescopes, Will Track Stars." (I bought a gorgeous image of the gibbous Moon by Earthlight, an hours-long exposure.)
Other items are photo-friendly:
We stopped by The Writers Center of Indiana booth, a group from whom I probably should take a class or two, and looked in on sand-scratch aluminum casting, too (now that would be a fun class!).
It was a fun and tiring day -- and then I came home and disassembled, scrubbed and (partially) lacquered a typewriter stand. I need more Valspar Hi-Gloss Black and probably should sand the rougher parts and get another coat or two of lacquer on it, after which it'll get gold pinstriping. I think. Also about two dozen stainless, slotted truss-head 10-32 or 10-24 bolts, flatwashers and Nylocks, since the old hardware was incomplete and nothing to write home about.
"Teaching writing" is oxymoronic.
You write just fine.
The Cyborg stuff looks more like Giger to me. Well except without the excessively demented genius.
Good to know that I'm not the only one who saw those tables and thought about "the luggage".
It was grand, and I agree with Nathan, you don't need their class, might be fun, but not needed.
Some of the coolest things I couldn't post as they're copyrighted images but I'm glad I made a couple small purchases.
thanks again for the invite.
Oh, there's plenty I need to learn about pace and plotting -- and working through getting stuck.
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