It worked out better than I had imagined. A dusting of corn-chip crumbs and a shot of cold seltzer in the eggs (which are then beaten senseless), cooked chorizo, Gruyere cheese and red bell pepper for filling, a sprinkle of chopped chives just before serving: way better than I had hoped!
My best notion with omelets to date? Putting a cover over the pan after folding! They cook a lot more evenly and don't dry out.
2 months ago
You intend to keep teasing me with references to your elitist seltzer maker? I was already jealous enough when you mentoned it the first time.
When the world was better I subscribed to a seltzer service. For a pittance, Matt Leyden delivered weekly three or four bottles of the stuff in elegant glass topped with brass valves-- genuine Clarabelle Clown fixtures. It always made me feel something like David Niven romancing Marlene Dietrich. (I suppose Marlene would have thought me more like Clarabelle, but what's life without a little fantasy?)
I bought the cheapest one Amazon listed; I have wanted one for decades. I didn't go with metal netting-covered glass, tempted as I was, since "fragged by her own seltzer bottle" makes a gawrshawful obit note.
There were seltzer services? Holy sic transit gloria Mundi! And alas, Babylon, too.
When covering a pan to make a little teeny oven, consider that a cool lid will draw away heat.
If I keep my lid warm, I can make eggs sunny side up that are not brown on the bottom, rubbery, or slimy on the top.
I have always had my best luck starting with warm eggs. An omelette, start to finish, is less than two minutes, and is completely cooked, and has no tough or burned or lace edges. Gonna have chives soon, that will be a welcome fresh addition.
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