Novel and film about the couple living in Canada's far North who raise an orphaned polar bear cub: Born Freeze.
The hyper-regulated cash-sink device that causes Green/NIMBY protests and leaves crumbling, unfinished ruins? Nuclear Overreactor!
Why hasn't anyone rewritten the lyrics of "Sunshine" by folk-rocker Jonathan Edwards for the John Edwards affair/resulting child/possible misuse of campaign funds mess? I'm pretty sure he's in a "don't feel much like dancin'" mood.
While you're down there in Tin Pan Alley, have a go at the Guess Who's No Sugar Tonight: "There's a Gray Lady tryin'a take over/There's a New York Times come to call/It's the new York Times taking over/They're after us all/They're after us all.
"Lied-to feeling, deep inside/There's no corner where I can hide/Silent newsprint deceivin' me/Sudden darkness and I can't see.
"No paper tonight with my coffee/No paper with my tea/No paper that'll gaslight me/No paper for catbox pee.
"In the madness of their lies/Quiet deceptions they can try/grabbing for me with their lies/Scales are falling from my eyes.
"Folks say don't read it and I believe'm/When we talk about what they say/I haven't got the will or the strength to quit it/When it shows up every day."
(Etc. You're on you're own for the rest of the lyrics and the chord progression.)
2 months ago
"Why hasn't anyone rewritten the lyrics of "Sunshine" by folk-rocker Jonathan Edwards for the John Edwards affair/"
I would rather see if carny "medium" John Edward can contact John Edwards' political career, as it certainly now resides on the Other Side.
Oooo, cold read, man. ;)
Add Nipsco's Bailly to the list, it also was started but only to the excavation of the foundations stage before being cancelled. I used to work at the steel mill next door and drove past that large water-filled hole every day.
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