I have this...thing to go to tonight, the big combo May triple-birthday deal, one I could care less about and my brother's and my Mom's, at some nose-in-the-air place up Keystone-at-the-Crossing (palms with money) way.
As you may have noticed, I rarely dress like a grown-up. So I'm pondering what to wear:
RX: "I'm thinkin' a long skirt* and combat boots."
Tam: "I would!"
RX: "Is there anything, including swimming, for which you would not wear Army boots?"
Tam: "Nope."
Update: I gave up and wore jeans -- new ones, all dark, dark blue. The staff was a bit down-at-the-nose at it. Too bad, kids, one of us is counting on tips to make the rent. Guess who that is?
* Sadly, I have not been able to find any more long, jeans-denim, 5-pocket skirts, which are my usual answer to the dressing-like-an adult dilemma. That way, I can still carry my normal pocket and belt items. Don't usually do the work/.mil boots with 'em, though.
2 months ago
I can honestly say I wore steel toed work boots to my own wedding, I think a skirt and combat boots would be perfect!
Yeah good sturdy boots are great.
Only times I wear anything else is running for sneakers, sandals for the beach and water, and maybe dress shoes for interviews.
Hmm... I should look into some boots that can take a nice polish for formal stuff.
Ruth, I got to know.
What were you expecting to happen at the wedding that would have made steel-toed boots a thing to wear?
Not much, they're my standard footwear for a large portion of the year. Course, they'd have been handy if my mother had decided to have a cow at my mode of dress.....
Bill clinton f-ed up the blue denim dress for everyone.
The Jack: Carolina Pole Climbers -- linesman's boots -- are very sturdy and will take a high polish.
About your skirt dilemma: will any of these work for you?
Not sure if they will meet your pocket requirements, but you can always call the 800 number.
And, as an added benefit, the clothes are apparently manufactured in Israel, so you can still be tacticool when wearing them.
(Modest in this context means it meets the Orthodox Jewish rules for tzinius--female modesty. So they're guaranteed not to be too short.)
Don't know too much about long skirts, but sensible foot-wear always makes sense.
You two just do this to keep my blood pressure up, don't you?
Kishnevi: yes! Brilliant, that's exactly what I was looking for. :)
Robin: ah, the lure of the sensible shoe?
Those skirts seem to be popular with a subset of the young ladies here. I drove past a church carwash yesterday, and I'd say at least 50% of the girls advertising the thing were wearing ankle length denim skirts with pockets.
Boots don't go well with pajamas
Roberta: Now those could work. Durability's also a thing as even workboots'll wear down with daily use. Thanks!
Yeah, I never got the "snooty waitstaff" thing, being obnoxious to your customer isn't a wise idea, not when they've got your commission in hand.
Skirt with pockets. Goes with combat boots. (nicely polished or at least blacked) Durable.
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