Or the Huntington (IN) dam. Whichever.
It's a carefully-chosen shot. The place doesn't really bear that close a resemblance to the poet's "dark satanic mills," but ooooo. 'Ware orcs, sir!
3 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Well yeah, sure, when there's those ominous looking clouds lurking about.
That's a pretty cool picture.
Not only carefully chosen, but carefully filtered as well. I recognize the effect, but can't remember the type of filter. It produces some awesome, ominous results, and that pic is a great example. Very well done.
Orcs or no I would not willingly stand before the host unleashed were those gates to be flung wide.
It looks kind of like what you get in B/W with an infra-red filter.
More photos by the same photographer.
And his blog.
Tam does call Chicago "Mordor".
Shootin' Buddy
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