Twice now that I know of, conservative citizens of African descent, up for high office, have been accused of sexual harassment and the charges have proven to be more than a little....thin. Not well supported.
I'm not sayin' their opposition is racist -- but the choice of smear presents at least the beginning of a pattern. Mr. Fleming? "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action."
Yup. Funny how nobody in the media has noticed, isn't it?
Maybe they're waiting for the third example?
3 months ago
It don't count if it's a Republican you're smearing. I think that's in Alinsky, somewhere.
Maybe because the MSM is part of the Enemy Action, perhaps? Crom Forbid the Professional Racists like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Walters, have to face up to a "Conservative" Brother telling them "No More Free Cheese! You're going to have to find another Group to rob."
How many politicians haven't been accused of some sexual impropriety? Frankly, an awful lot of them seem to think it's an official job perk.
Pliable standards of acquisitions and media representation are so comforting to read about, why it almost like living in a Marxist country.
'Strewth, Carl. --Though the usual R vice seems to be boys, just as Ds who get caught sneaking appear to prefer girls, usually but not always alive.
Couple that with the active suppression of such scandals against Democrats, like John Edwards.
He's only a politician-cadet, anyway; he's never been voted anything. For the nonce, he's still making his money the honest way.
Calling Cain a politician is like calling somebody a fry cook just because they've filled out the application at Mickey D's. You ain't a fry cook 'til you get the paper hat.
WV: "tomated" I'll wait 'til he's officially sucking off the public teat before I help getting him tomated.
"Minorities" are only important candidates if they have handles the Dems can use to steer them. Any independant thought is not allowed. I have some hint as to what wingnuthead's handles are, and if he ever actually speaks his own mind, I'm sure those handles will become very visible. As long as he stays on the plantation he'll be taken care of by everyone.
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