Sorry about that. We do all have our off days -- mine's happened to hit on my day off, is all.
Update: Dammit, this is the "froze to death" phase of Blogoradosis, is what it is. Typhoid Tam, this is allllllllll your fault! I will be avenged from beyond the quilt! And the three layers of blankets! And the heating pad!
I'm still cold.
3 months ago
Hope you feel better soon. Perhaps I can drop off some medicinal croissants when I get back from out West.
Get well soon!
I suggest the application of multiple cats (externally) and a large bowl of hot-and-sour soup (internally). Repeat as needed.
This is the one reason I can think of for having a bathtub. When I'm chilled, a hot soak will warm me up. A long hot shower might work, but when I'm that sick, it's just too much effort to stand up for that long.
Sick is no fun, especially on what is supposed to be your day off. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
The seasonal bug which has found its way around my neck of the woods progresses somewhat rapidly to more serious stuff, like pneumonia. I was out of commission for a couple days, and was *glad* I got out with a sinus and ear infection for my troubles. Hot steamy showers are a godsend, regardless of the rude noises that come from the inhabitants as they purge...
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