Just in time to muddy waters of the Fast & Furious investigation and cast a cloud over national handgun carry permit reciprocity: Loopy loner fires shots from an "assault-style rifle" at White House.*
Any more, they tend to sink quickly in the hurly-burly of the 24/7/365-hour news cycle unless they do serious damage, but I'm startin' to think L. Neil Smith is onto something with his half-serious theory about how these guys show up so handily, almost as if they were programmed for propaganda purposes. Or is there a "noise floor" of nutjobs that gets elevated when it suits the hoplophobic media? Hard to say for sure -- but this will bear watching.
* Bonus! The report informs us that a "bullet round" was found stuck in a (bullet-resistant) window at the White House. A what?
3 months ago
Ma'am, link goes to story of professor against care packages for troops.
And yes, it's amazing how many "news stories" appear to be scripted based on the scandal of the day...
Fixed, thank you! Too many tabs open.
+1 on the link mix-up, but I did just happen to catch that same segment (the White House shooter one) on the AM news as I was getting to your post. The one I saw wasn't particularly slanted, actually; they did identify the gun as an AK-47, and mentioned that several rounds had been recovered on the grounds, including at least one that struck the building.
As you say, it's remarkable that these incidents pop up at just the right time to distract attention.
I'm not a gun owner, but if you want to own, collect, or carry them, it doesn't bother me. In fact, I'd rather not know.
Yeah, I'm not buyin' it either. It's much too coincidental.
Why in the world they would think it unusual that someone should take a potshot at the White House at this juncture in history is beyond me.
I'm frankly surprised it's taken this long.
But yeah, what exactly is a bullet round?
Allow The Dissident Frogman to 'splain.
Also...seems to me something similar happened back in '94...round about the time the AWB was being bandied about.
Don't know if it is planed or coincidence, but I wish they would come up with something new, just to keep it interesting.
If they think they can stop criminal activity, they need to ask the English about the IRA.
On the other hand does anybody still think it's about crime.
One fortuitous event may be an accident. Two may be coincidence. Three is almost certainly deliberate. 20 is deliberate to the six sigma confidence level.
In 43 years, there have been over 1,500 of these events. Bring a rational gun bill before Congress or a state legislature, and there will be an event, or several.
Someone has, as the old saying goes, "money, marbles, and chalk." Enough to get people killed when the circumstances are right.
WV, "conme." Appropriate for the story under discussion.
At the risk of being labeled a 'conspiracy nut', this happens way too much.
I remember a conversation with a shrink some years back (not professionally) asking about the idea of programming, i.e. The Manchurian Candidate. He said sure, the Soviets have been doing that since the 40's!
I'm certain WE would never stoop so low, to further a political agenda.
(does F&F ring a bell, Pavlov?)
Guffaw in AZ, I don't think your a conspiracy nut. You are so close to the truth. Eric Holder just got shown to be a perjurer in a e-mail and suddenly we have shots fired at the white house. I'm not a big believer in conspiracies.
Also note that Nanny Bloomberg's group had a bunch of the Tucson gun-free zone victims making the rounds of congress yesterday.
How "convenient."
They'll get their Fort Sumter if they have to play both sides themselves.
UNPOSSIBLE! Congress passed a LAW not that long ago after the Virginia Tech Massacre that keeps Guns out of the hands of the Mentally Disturbed! Plus, there are NO Assault Rifles Allowed in DC! Therefore, this whole thing is as Truthful as the so-called "Moon Landings" and Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone!
Phssthpok is right. Some nutjob (whatever happened to him?) emptied an SKS into the opposite end of the WH from Billy Jeff and company.
Of course, law-abiding bystanders could do nothing until Mr. Nutjob stopped to reload, this after all being DC.
Why these nutjobs keep tripping up on the trivial details (which end of the WH is which, is TOTUS in town, etc.) time after time is sort of a mystery too.
This originally broke Friday or Saturday, and at the time the DC coppers were saying it had nothing to do with the White House or Obama, jut a gang banger a couple of blocks away. I guess that didn't support the narrative.
BTW, my first reaction on reading the linked-to article was "Of course the Secret Service is concerned, that's their job! Doesn't mean the guy has/had it in for Obama, but the SS (heh) still has to take that possibility seriously."
Of course bullets r round, if they're any good.
This phenom displays a charming similarity to that inconspicuous little adjustment on an oscilloscope that sets the "trigger level", determining the voltage at which the 'scope will lock onto a signal, or even what part of a signal.
Interesting: » Secret Service Search #OccupyDC for White House Shooter - Big Government
Ritchie -- true, but the better 'scopes had a "trigger view" switch, so you could see what was going on as you fiddled with the threshold level and coupling/filtering.
The way I heard the axiom was:
One time is an accident.
Second time is a coincidence.
Third time is enemy action.
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