...And what have I got? Bupkis!
Well, except for my homework: verifying my polling place, looking up the candidates, seeing who's incumbent and who's not; we've got a full slate (4) of Libertarians running for the at-large seats on the City-County Council, including Broad Ripple stalwart Bill Levin, who gets my vote immediately. (There's one incumbent LP candidate, but he's not at-large nor is he from our district; our incumbent is the painfully sincere Republican Ryan Vaughn. I'll vote for him, too, and hope he stays as dewey-eyed).
Interestingly -- especially if you study how these things affect results -- in every race, Mayoral, Council at-large and by district, the listing is in strict party order: Democrat, Republican, Libertarian. Bit of a stacked deck?
Anyway, I try to do some research and I usually go vote for people as crazy as I am. If that bothers you, there's only one defense: vote right back at me!
2 months ago
I like your kind of crazy Bobbi.
Some states will choose a random order of the candidates each year.
Been Voting Absentee the last few years. Much more efficient,("Gee, let's put the Polling Place in a School that doesn't have enough Parking on a Normal Day, and let's try not to yell at the 90 year old Grannie Volunteer who doesn't know what Election Law is!") and at least in my County, they get counted First on Election Day.
In Washington State, it's All Absentee, All The Time.
I know Reid Miller (L running for council at large). Good guy.
Bobbi - ballot order in Indiana is determined by the secretary of the county election board. Since that is the county Clerk, the party that owns the office gets to get listed first on the ballot.
Which is only one more reason to get rid of Beth White at the next opportunity.
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