Tam's post on the Republican field is getting a lot of linkage. I agree with her suspicion that the GOP can't find anyone better who will take the job, leaving the primary race open to newbies, second-rankers and the mildly nutty. --And Ron Paul.
Really, if Mitt Romney is the most durable dude they can come up with, I have to wonder if that party will last much longer (and why they are so willing to let a hostile media have so much influence). Sebastian manages to find some good in a possible Romney Presidency, but I have to wonder how many times roughly half the voters are willing to put up with having to choose between a serious beating from the opposing party vs. just being roughed up badly by their own party?
Who remembers the Whigs?
2 months ago
Whigs? I think they are working to become the 21st. Century version of the "Know Nothing Party". And it looks like they are moving along Full Steam Ahead, especially since Golf Buddy Boehner announced this morning, "Well, since the Deficient Committee can't come to an agreement, we'll have to honor the Bargain and Gut the Military" (paraphrasing, of course). Which is what you get when you put enough Commies on your Committee (in the "Spirit of Bipartisanship") who have made a Political Career running "Against the Evil Military" to ensure that outcome occurs.
I lived in Ron Paul's district in Texas. I was initially disposed for him because he had run as a big L Libertarian once.
He didn't mind associating with the racist fringe of the neo-confederates, which was a big turn-off. He also played a game, getting his earmarks onto safe bills that he could vote against, thus maintaining his 'purity' in not voting for earmarks for his district.
I remember them they were almost Revolutionary..
IMO it's all a game of Good-Cop Bad-Cop with the current situation leaders, and its time we go play something different, like Cowboys and Zombies...
I had hoped that it was the Dems' turn to be the Whigs, but I'd settle for no more of this Hobson's choice of disaster fast via the Evil Party or more slow via the Stupid Party.
And Good Cop- Bad Cop isn't far from the truth.
Bad Cop - Worse Cop, more like, and no telling who will be be which on any given day. :(
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