"Experts say Oklahoma quakes too powerful to be man-made."
Um, yes. Geez-o-peet, did they all cut Science class to go watch James Bond movies, or what? Matt Helm flicks, maybe?
I'm gonna go vote. I'm leaving the brightness control on the monitor turned all the way up, but I don't think it's going to help.
3 months ago
You mean if all the Chinamen in the world simultaneously jumped off of chairs, it wouldn't cause an earthquake? They lied to me?
Reading the comments to that article, there are a lot of misinformed, bordering on stupid, people there.
Oh, like they even have anything close to enough chairs...!
I'm leaving the brightness control on the monitor turned all the way up, but I don't think it's going to help.
I snortled.
I've tried to use that "brightness" control myself. Didn't work for me. Let me know if it works for you.
Have you ever tried the "hew" control?
But you're Wrong! There's going to be a Gooberment Report on this very Subject by the The Anointed One's Tree Hugging Administration that will PROVE, beyond a Shadow of A Doubt, that it is All Bush's Fault!
If they don't have enough chairs, what if they all march across bridges simultaneously?
So the rumors that Dr. Evil was behind the quakes were false? Damn it!
I'll bet the blithering idiot who cast Dean Martin as Matt Helm thinks earthquakes are man made.
I grew up in the (previously) largest known oilfield in the CONUS. Injection formation fracturing and treating has been occurring since long before my birth, and we're one of the lowest areas for seismic activity anywhere. I think there was a 2.3 quake in 1951 or so, but nobody noticed.
Those are the same folks who would wait for night to send a mission to the sun.
Dammit, besides the irritation of this 'headline', now the link reminded me of a previous concern:
"Please, PLEASE don't let them eff up the movies! At least not too bad!"
WV='crout'. "I'm gonna keep crouting about this 'till they get it right!"
I've seen such idiocy firsthand.
My stepsister-in-law (daughter of my father-in-law's second wife) firmly believes that injecting salt water to move natural gas around causes earthquakes. I don't (ahem) discuss it with her; it's like trying to teach a pig to whistle.
It amazes me that she complains. Her mother and my father-in-law paid about $80K in taxes last year on natural gas royalties. Go figure.
And, I should have mentioned something else.
With her, it's personal. Her family lives in Lincoln County, very close to where the earthquakes are clustered. So, even though they're clustered about the Wilzetta Fault, it's the oil and gas companies fault (pun intended).
There is context to that otherwise ludicrous statement. You see, here in energy-producing red states we are actively harvesting massive quantities of natural gas from shale. It's done with "fracking" and the enviros are hysterical that the pressurized water used to hydraulically fracture the shale will cause pollution of the water table (Oh, it takes place several thousand feet below the water table?) Well, it will cause earthquakes...aka "man-made". Better we should go with windmills and Solyndra panels.
Hey, I liked the Matt Helm movies -- I just never thought they were all that much based on the books. (I like the "Flint" movies too. James Coburn, oh, it is to swoon....)
"You see, here in energy-producing red states..."
While Indiana is only 23rd in oil production, we produce more coal than Texas, and we never elected f$cking Lyndon Baines Johnson.
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