I have finally posted the latest chapter at I Work On A Starship. Rannie Wu and a young man you might almost recognize cross paths for the first time!
--Are you sure that was a plain ol' asteroid that sailed by the other day, well inside the Moon's orbit? They've only been tracking that thing since early in the War; the way I hear it, the Edgers lost a big ship to a supposedly-random impact early on; the survivors scuttled the 'Drives and yelled for help and they've just left the hulk. Kind of a memorial.
3 months ago
A.) WooHoo!!!! New chapter!!!!
B.) Does this young man have a lot of chevrons and do odd things for chow?
WV: fastra - Just wait. Ford will introducing it at the Detroit auto show to compete with the Fiat 500.
Kept waiting for the young man to start turning somersaults...
Now I gotta wait AGAIN!?!?!?
No fair....[/whine]
Looking forward to the next installment.
Happy sigh...
But it's radar images look just like all the other radar images of big asteroids.
Oh, wait...
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